Wednesday, 3 April 2013

WIP Wednesday

On my design wall this week are these two teeny tiny baby quilts - they will finish at about 16" by 20".  One of the members of the local guilt I belong to very generously went through her stash and scraps, and made up little packages of pre-cut squares for guild members to make quilts to be used in the neonatal unit of a local hospital.  

I got a little bag of 1930's reproduction prints, which I'm really rather fond of, and I decided to split it up to make two quilts - one with a navy pin dot which is slightly more boy-ish, and one with a grey and white low volume print which, due to the light purple binding I plan to put on it, is a bit more girly.  I'm pretty happy with how these are turning out, and they should both be pretty quick finishes.

I've also been working on some plus blocks using Oakshott shot cottons and low volume fabrics.

This is an idea I have totally copied from my flickr friend Rachel aka wooden spoon.  We were both part of a low volume charm swap, and she is much further through making a completely gorgeous quilt using the charms and very bright and colourful prints.

If you want to make your own plus quilt using 5" charm squares, Rachel put together this handy dandy diagram showing what size to cut the other pieces.

Dimensions for low volume charm plus block

I have a psychological aversion to cutting pieces with a 1/4" or 3/4" measurement if I can avoid it, so I used slightly different measurements, as set out in the diagram below, to make unfinished blocks which are 12" square.

Low Volume Oakshott Plus Block

Of course, Rachel's quilt is inspired by this stunning Marcelle Plus Quilt from film in the fridge, which is in turn inspired by the stunning Marcelle Medallion Quilt by Alexia Abegg.

What are you working on this week?

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Julie said...

Nice block - there is something about working with squares that I like in quilts. Have you also seen this quilt from FITF for something on similar lines:

Have a great week

Camilla said...

Like those pluses especially. I used those Field study orange feathers recently in a plus too. Nice impact against the low volume and subtly linking to the other little bits of orange in the low volume prints.

Camilla said...

Oh I see that is Rachel's. Am dreaming about some Oakshotts myself, since I may have a UK courier! Love thos subtle colour combos, so restful.

Annabella said...

I love the flow of inspiration here - the x and plus blocks are gorgeous using the low volume fabrics.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that's a nice block, thanks for the measurements, yes I don't like quarter inches either

Sara said...

Thanks for the tutorial for the plus block. So happy to see the orange feathers in there. Love those!

JHNickodemus said...

What cute quilts! At first I thought they were going to be doll quilts!

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Great projects! Thank you for the tutorial for the plus block... I have lots of 5" charms to use one day and that is a great setting for them!

Erica said...

Those little baby quilts are so sweet and tiny! I am sure that they will be appreciated. Love the low volumen plus quilt too, I am contemplating starting the Marcelle Medallion and that plus border is one of my favorites :)

Anonymous said...

Your pluses look great. I've got my own Plus Quilt in progress...not sure when I'm going to get back to them.
Love those little baby quilts. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love these cross blocks !!! I love the actual color centers

Kirsten said...

The blocks are going to look beautiful together - love the shot cotton centres of them!

Kathleen3 said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this!