Saturday, 13 April 2013

Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom #14

This week's gorgeous photo comes from the lovely Linda from lawson place.  Aren't her dogs Pip (with the bone) and Logi (wishing he had the bone) so sweet?  They look like they're the best of friends, even if they don't always get on.

logi and pip 323
"Size isn't everything" Pip

Does your pet have something to say? If you would like to see your pet on a future Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom post, send me an email (adrianneonthewindyside at gmail dot com) with the photo you would like featured, some words (wise, witty, or just plain silly) that relate to the photo, your pet's name, and a link to your blog/flickr stream/website.


Annabella said...

Poor Logi - he does look a bit miffed!

linda said...

ooo thanks for putting them in !!!

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Too funny...ok following you on bloglovin now!