Saturday, 11 April 2015

Caturday Wisdom #115

You say "sleep", I say "how high?" Ralph

Ralph is still happiest when using the maximum number of quilts as a bed. Who wouldn't like to be that satisfied with their sleeping situation??


Poppy Black said...

The prince and the pea! Wise cat xxx

Lucy | Charm About You said...

ohhh he looks so content :)

Lisa J. said...

Ralph looks very happy

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Kitties do like to be up high . . . so more quilts the merrier. My kitties do the same.

gibbygoo56 said...

ADORABLE! Love your kitty pictures.

Nicky said...

I like his style!

WeedyMama said...

Actually, my guy would like his own green quilt. No other quilt will do. He only helps me sew green fabrics. And I promised one for Christmas and, with a shameful face, I must admit it isn't made yet.

Dorrit said...

Oh =0) "Prince Ralph on the Pea"