The Modern Quilt Guild is an organisation with branches all over the world. You can find out more about the Modern Quilt Guild, and modern quilting, here.
I definitely identify as a modern quilter. Before I found the modern quilting movement online, I wondered whether there was anyone else out there who wanted to make quilts like I did - light, bright, simple, and not much like the ones I saw in most quilting books and at local quilt shows (I totally respect the skills that go into making traditional quilts, but as a wide sweeping generalisation, they are not really my aesthetic). When I realised that what I wanted to do was called modern quilting, it felt like a big heavy door had been thrown wide open. Meeting other people online, and now in real life, who embrace modern quilting has really spurred me on to make more quilts, and experiment, and have fun with fabric.
Anyway, that is a long rambling way to get to my point, which is this - a few people I know are tossing around the idea of setting up a Wellington branch of the Modern Quilt Guild, and I would love to know whether any of my Wellington based readers would be interested. Leave me a comment with your thoughts - I would love to have some feedback to pass on when I catch up with this group next weekend. Thanks!!!
Hi Adrianne. We must be somewhat on the same wavelength..I was even thinking of asking you to be the organizer for one. I am a bit out of town but would be interested. Good on you.
I wish I lived in wellington so I could join in!
Hi Adrianne, I'd be interested in joining, sounds like a great idea.
I am keen! I spoke to Anne about it and possible venues.
I have - without coming across your message set up a meeting at Nancys Embroidery in Wellington for people interested in a Modern Quilt group. Date is 18th April, 7pm. Hope you can come, bring your ideas on how to proceed - blog
Sorry if you have alredy set something up
Hi, did you end up setting up a Modern Quilt Guild in Wellington? I'm returning from Brisbane where I am a member of the BMQG to the Far North, and I haven't been able to find any NZ based MQG online yet. Can you point me in the right direction, please? THANK YOU!
I'm interested in a modern quilt guild in the Wellington area too if anyone has any info!
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