Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Introducing the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad

Wow - you guys did an amazing job finishing LOADS of projects in Q1!  I was amazed to see that there were 549 finishes when all was said and done.  Great work - there must be a load of WIP piles that are smaller now.

It took me a while to work through the links - I visited about 470 and Leanne from she can quilt was amazing and visited the rest.  To help speed the process up next time round, I've put together a crack team of cheerleaders to help me visit all the projects and encourage you to whip your WIPs.

First up is Rhonda - founder of the Finish Along.  Rhonda used to blog as Quilter in the Gap but she has recently re-branded as Rhonda's Ramblings.  Rhonda has also been doing an awesome job helping me find people to write tutorials for the Finish Along.

Rhonda's [Quilt] Ramblings

Next up is Leanne from she can quilt.  Leanne hosted the Finish Along in 2013 and did a brilliant job.  I had the good luck to meet her at QuiltCon earlier this year and she is as lovely in person as she seems on her blog.

she can quilt

Helen from Archie the Wonder Dog is my next cheerleader.  She's been a long time supporter of the Finish-Along and is doing a great job getting through her WIPs this year.  

Next up is Kirsten from Gemini Stitches.  Kirsten is one of my long-time blogging friends and makes lots of beautiful things.  She has also been kicking some WIP butt this year.

Last but not least is my real lift quilting buddy Wendy from Wendy's Quilts and More.  Wendy may be the most prolific quilter and stitcher I know, and her talents extend to beautiful embroideries and beading as well as quilting.

Of course, I will be visiting links and leaving comments - I found visiting all your finishes such an inspiration that I wouldn't want to miss out entirely!  Please give the cheerleaders a warm welcome and check out their blogs if you're not already a follower - you won't be disappointed!

I am currently working on a post for the Q1 Finish Along winners, so keep your eyes peeled!

As always, feel free to grab the Finish-Along button and spread the word.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Good luck to everyone with their Q2 lists.  I am definitely feeling extra motivated to make progress on some of my WIPs after seeing everyone else's finishes!

9 comments: said...

Thanks to you and your team for working so hard on this.

Leanne said...

What a great team to be a part of!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Great idea and a lovely group of cheerleaders :)

Carla said...

Have fun ladies!

SarahZ said...

This is probably long overdue, and brilliant to boot! Will be sure to check them ALL out :) Thank you!!!

Camilla said...

Thanks for all your hard work on this, must be quite overwhelming-a good plan to gather a few others. This event is a good motivator for me to move along with my projects.

Juliet @ Tartankiwi said...

Yay! Everyone needs a good support team, glad to hear that you've got one.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Happy to help!

Kirsten said...

So happy to be able to help!