Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Bright Spring Boy

Sew Lux Fabrics are running a Guest Curator Contest where you make your own bundle of fabrics from their shop, link it up, and go in the running to have your bundle stocked in their shop for the month of December (and win your bundle!).  Details here.

How can I resist a contest that involves choosing fabrics?  This is my first entry.  Earlier this year, my sister was a bridesmaid in her friend's wedding.  The bride is now expecting her first baby, and we just found out that it is a boy.  She and her husband are planning to paint the baby's bedroom light cream and apply wall decals of trees.

With plenty of simple, graphic, and nature inspired images and colours, I think this bundle would make a perfect baby quilt for my sister's friend.  It's not too cutesy or babyish either, so could easily last out of the baby years and into early childhood.  Eight fat quarters equals two yards of fabric - plenty to make a generously sized baby quilt, or, if you add in some simple white sashing, a toddler or single bed sized quilt.

I hope this bundle does well - I looked in my stash this weekend for likely contenders and I am sadly lacking in greens!  Are you playing along? 


Jenniffier said...

Great color combos. Good luck.

Chrissy said...

What a fresh combination of colors! Thanks for playing along!

Carly said...

Really pretty color combination!