Wednesday, 7 November 2012

WIP Wednesday

Granny squares quilt - I finally finished quilting this one.  I just need to trim and bind it.  I won't bother posting pictures until it's finished, because at this stage, it doesn't look much different to the last photos.

Giant star quilt - I had been thinking about free motion quilting this one, and the discovery of some new 50 weight Wonderfil at my local quilting shop provided the impetus I needed to get started.  After a few tension issues, I got into my work, and now have the star completely filled with a teardrop meander (totally inspired by Heather's quilting here).  It only took about 1200 metres of thread...

Gingham quilt - no progress.

Dat Star - the other side of the cushion (i.e. not the star block) is going to have words on it.  Rude words.  At my brother's request, of course.  My sister made the text for me in photoshop, and turned it into a mirror image so that I could trace over it onto fusible web, iron that onto fabric, and then cut the letters out from the fusible-webbed fabric.  All was going well, I traced, I cut, my sister ironed the letters onto the background fabric.  Then, I tried to stitch round the letters so they would stay stuck (I don't trust fusible web on its own).  Yup, disaster time.  First, I tried straight line stitching, which looked awful.  Then, I tried satin stitching, which looked even worse (mainly because I could not, for the life of me, go evenly and neatly around the letters).  I am going to have to totally start over, with a different plan.  Maybe I should try piecing the letters?  Has anyone tried the Refrigerator Magnets pattern from Elizabeth at Oh, Fransson!?

Oakshott quilt - Fabrics have arrived! I have a plan (it may involve a matching print from my stash for each different Oakshott ruby fabric) and have started cutting (lots and lots and lots of) equilateral triangles.  I need to work out some way of chain piecing this baby, otherwise I have little chance of getting it done by the end of the month.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Apologies for the lack of new photos in this post - I was going to take some after work, but I got stuck watching the US election and it was dark by the time I got home.

Linking up with Freshly Pieced:


Freddie said...

Love the colours of the oakshott fabrics. They are having a warehouse sale in a couple weeks time. I am trying to persuade hubby that we want to go. Gloucester is only 2 hours away.

Svetlana said...

that oakshoot fabric is simply stunning. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love the colors of your solids

Marsha Cooper said...

Chain piecing is one of the many things in quilting that I've not learned how to do yet.
I love the colors of the fabrics you rec'd.