Saturday, 16 August 2014

Caturday Wisdom #81

Embrace your passions! Even if your passion is garbage. Literally. Ralph

Ralph is in love with this ripped up paper bag. The cats tend not to sit still unless they are in comfort-cat mode (oval-shaped with paws tucked under) but Ralph sat in stealth mode under this bag for ages. I laughed the entire time.


Lucy | Charm About You said...

I hope him and the bag stay happy together! Hilarious!

Charlotte said...


Cille said...

Ha ha... Invisible to the world!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Waiting for the perfect moment to pounce... love his large eyes!

Adrienne said...

cats are awesome

Kathleen said...

Cute . . . he looks like he thinks no one can see him.

jeifner said...

We should try it with a quilt, might be just as good :)