It's Sew Mama Sew giveaway day! This is a great way to discover new blogs and of course get in to win some great prizes. Make sure you pop over to Sew Mama Sew to check out everyone who has linked up a giveaway.
This time around I'm giving away this bundle of fabrics which is co-ordinated around this totally awesome bee hexagon print which I got from Stitchbird this weekend. You'll get a quarter of a yard of each fabric, but some piece will be fat quarters and some width of fabric cuts.
The giveaway will stay open until around 6pm Sunday May 18 2014 (New Zealand Time), and I will use the random number generator at to pick a winner then. Good luck everyone!
By the way, I usually respond to all comments, but giveaways can be a little overwhelming, so I hope you don't mind if I don't respond to your comment on this post.

1 – 200 of 632 Newer› Newest»What cute bee fabric! My top tip would be one quilt at a time... I'm really trying to complete all unfinished projects and then keep to one at a time after that ;-)
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Adrianne I already follow you
Adrianne, I was taughte to precast those fabrics and I live by that rule everyday!
To use a quarter inch foot was tne best tip I received. Thanks for the chance to win.
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gorgeous fabric, thanks for the giveaway! The best quilting tip is to ignore those quilt police and do what you love!
My grandma taught me to use old blankets as batting (wadding) - I had no idea :) it's scary the first couple times, but the result is awesome and the money saved is pretty sweet too!
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It was your tip !! On getting the seams to line up for postage stamp quilts and definitely using a 1/4 inch foot….it was great for someone just starting out :-)
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Lovely fabrics! My best tip was to use washi tape to mark seam allowances on my machine.
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When I learned to use my walking foot for quilting it made my quilts so much better!
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To press and starch fabrics before cutting. Makes such a difference for me!
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Don't allow any quilt police in your head or sewing room! Just enjoy what you do!
The best advice: press your fabric, and then measure twice, cut once always, always, check your measure ;)
Oh the fabrics are gorgeous. I already follow you. Thanks
Measure twice, cut once.
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Use quilting gloves for FMQ! Life/hand saver. :)
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The best quilt advice I ever got was that there really are no Quilt Police.
raverne at
Use wonder clips when binding, they are so helpful!
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I've been seeing lots of quilters suggesting starch when pressing fabrics so I've tried it and wow what a difference! Best tip :)
riddleandwhimsy [at] yahoo [dot] com
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riddleandwhimsy [at] yahoo [dot] com
the best advice I got was to NOT be afraid to try new things... after all we can just seam rip and try again if it doesn't work out :) Gave me a whole new confidence level to go for things!
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Don't aim for perfection when starting out. Makes it a lot easier to try new things.
Best tip, check your quarter inch foot is quarter inch, and if it isn't adjust to allow for it!
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Best tip ever...don't trust your quarter inch foot. Measure it.
I follow you and read your blog everyday you post. And you post more often than most. Thanks.
Best advice would be rules can be broken it is your journey.
My BEST tip was How to check your 1/4 inch seam AND how to press the seam before pressing open. Makes for accurate piecing. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I happily follow you on Bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Lovely fabrics, Adrianne, thanks for the giveaway! My favourite quilting or sewing tip is: don't be afraid to try something new and maybe mess it up, it's just fabric.
And I follow you on feedly and IG.
Don't let your UFOs get the better of you.
I love that honeycomb print! Thanks for the giveaway :)
ellascottage at inspired-design dot ca
Dont' look too closely!
Hmmm... Not so much a tip, but adopting the scrappier-the-better approach to quilting has made all my quilts a lot better! More interesting, fun, and dynamic. Definitely a turning point for me.
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The best tip I was given was check twice before cutting, it has saved me a time or two.
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I think practicing an accurate scant 1/4 inch seam is the best advice I've ever gotten. Once you master that, it makes piecing so much easier and better.
I follow you via bloglovin. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Best tip: walk away when you get frustrated. Come back when you can handle the task again. No point in getting so upset that you make more mistakes.
To use wool batting. I love the softness and the puffy look even though it's not v 'modern'.
Gorgeous fabric - I had no idea those bees can in that colourway! YUM! I am a follower :)
Measure twice, cut once - my dad taught me that with woodworking but it applies to EVERYTHING!!!!
Go slowly!! When you rush you stuff it up
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Love the fabrics! Best tip is to ensure the 1/4 seam is accurate. Thanks! wonderlandbyalyce (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow via bloglovin, thanks! wonderlandbyalyce (at) gmail (dot) com
In order to keep your points with stars etc when sewing the flying geese - sew past the point one thread over from the intersection. It truly works.
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Best tip: measure twice and cut once...and if using a rotary cutter..cutting should not be a fast swipe...can = crooked or wavy cuts.
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measure twice cut once, has to be the best tip I have been given.
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Superb giveaway - thanks.
Best quilting tip - do what you want, if it works for you that is just fine! One I often repeat.
I follow via feedly - thanks
Hi, what cute fabbies!!!! The best Q tip I ever got was to invest in rotary cutting supplies!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
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Thanks for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
Don't point out your mistakes. Others probably won't even notice.
Oooooooh!! love me some bees!
So the best advice I ever received was from a fellow classmate at the first class I ever took - Quilt with red wine. The more likely that something is going to stain like the proverbial if it is sitting just beside your machine, the more careful you are with your stitching. Also, if it is alcoholic it is a great way to keep those shoulders relaxed when wrestling a monster through the machine.
My best tip is to square off the blocks before you sew them together. I love the bee fabric.
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Pretty Fabric! Thanks for the chance Adrienne!
I've learned a great deal since starting quilting a couple of years ago and it's all been invaluable... The thing that has made a huge difference is using a walking foot for binding, quilting etc on my little machine!
My best tip is enjoy while you are sewing.Thanks for the chance!
Gorgeous fabrics!
I`m a follower.Thanks
Loving the hexagon bee fabric, best quilting tip, Measure twice, Cut Once!
I'm a "closet quilter" and keep to myself, so I haven't gotten any specific advice. I've learned so much from bloggers like you though!
The best tips I've gotten are to use a quarter inch foot, and not to stress about little imperfections!
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My best tip was when I was told to trim up my blocks before putting the quilt top together, I never learned that in my first class. thanks for the giveaway!
I am a follower! Thanks!
Great bundle Adrianne. The best tip I have followed recently was using Bonnie Hunter's 'leader-ender' method to get a lot of work done on scrap quilts at the same time as working on other projects.
Happy follower thank you
Best advice: Have fun!
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So glad you are taking part in this giveaway again. I love your fabric choices. I have no quilting tips, I have only ever made one quilt but would like to try making others so I am reading everyone else's suggestions.
I follow you already through Bloglovin' - or GFC, can't remember which!
I love your spools quilt! And thanks for the giveaway of this cute fabric! The best quilting tip I've ever received is sew with fabric you love.
I was told early on to take the classes by any teacher that came to guild as I would learn something by each one even if the project wasn't my cup of tea.
I'm already a happy follower.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway Adrianne! The best tip I've ever heard is to nest seams where possible. I know it's basic, but it has really improved my accuracy.
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to double the number of pins I think I need when basting! Thanks for a lovely lovely giveaway :-)
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What pretty fabric. Best tip I ever got was to always cut and sew one test block before cutting them all.
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The best tip is to starch my backing--it makes basting and quilting so much easier!
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Don't hoard your favorite fabrics : use them and enjoy them!
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Best quilting tip? Don't be too much of a perfectionist. No one else is going to notice those few less than perfect stitches (and you won't either when your eyes are more than a foot from the quilt!)!
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Best quilting tip - to follow your own advice.
I enjoy your blog and have been following for ages.
Pressing each seam as you go was the best tip I received. It made all the difference in my matching seams.
Best quilting advice was to measure twice and cut once with a fresh blade in my rotary cutter. Cute fabrics and thanks for the giveaway.
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Best advice is to use a sharp rotary blade. It makes cutting go so much quicker and easier without the headache of gnawing at the fabric.
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My top tip is to be accurate in your seam allowances
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I already follow you on Bloglovin.
Best tip? Enjoy the journey - do not rush -
The best tip I have used is to use tape to mark the quarter inch line on my sewing machine so my seams are always the same.
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Probably the best tip I got was to not look too closely or be too critical of my own work!
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Best tip: buy quality fabric at local quilt shop if you want your work to last for generations!
Iron seam before opening...
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I am already a follower and those fabrics are great!
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My tip: Measure twice, read instructions twice, cut once!!
Always trim up half square triangles. It really does make for perfect pinwheels.
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Such gorgeous fabrics, I think my best tip was sew slow, press always and measure each time and blocks will then be square and correct size
My tip is to sew only as fast as you can and still keep the seams straight. Straight seams= straight quilt, or something like that.
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wonderful fabrics, my tip is never to sew when you are tired, it always takes more time to rip it apart, than waiting, till you are in the mood for sewing
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Thanks for the opportunity- this is one gorgeous bundle! I think the best tip I've ever received is that it's better done than perfect, with a corollary that spending hours ripping doesn't improve my sewing, just my ripping. Can you tell that I fight with the critic in my head a lot?
Best quilt tip - especially for perfectionists - if you can't see a mistake from a galloping horse in a quilt - leave it!
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Love the galloping pony trick although I don't always follow it.:)
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Best advice is that there is no quilt police and it doesn't matter if I forget to do something or do it differently, which I usually do :) thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a follower :) thanks for blogging!
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One of the best tips I've received is to use the wonder clips for binding. I use them for all sorts of projects now. Those things are amazing!
I am a follower via google friend connect and have been for ages. Love what you do.
Measure twice, cut once ;)
Best tip hmm. To trace with your finger around the FMQ pattern a few times before sitting at the sewing machine. Some how it fixed it into your brain and is then easier to do on the sewing machine.
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Hmm. I'm new to quilting, so every tip is my latest "best". I guess the best one is to make sure your seams are precisely 1/4 inch.
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Have a glass of wine before FMQ and relax
Oh gosh, I don't really know if I have a quilting tip! I've only made one quilt so far, and am still piecing together the back of it, so I'm very much a novice! I rely on people like you for the quilting tips, haha! ;-)
Also, I'm a follower of yours (and have been for some time, fellow Wellingtonian and all.)
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Lovely fabrics - my top tip was "there are no quilt police - it's your quilt - do what suits you", valeriedotboudieratntlworlddotcom
Best tip - use good quality threads. :)
Follower... I love your cats ^.^ ~
The tip I got was to trust my instinct and have faith in myself.... I can never truly visualise an end product and then worry it won't be right my customer won't like it..
Have been following you on Instagram but I'm a new follower on bloglovin. Thanks for a fab giveaway.
Best quilting tip - not to worry if its not perfect! The non-quilting people I gift things to cant even see the errors!
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Take your time and be patient
love the wee little bees! Thanks for a chance.
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Quarter inch foot is definitely the best tip. That and don't worry about the Quilt police :)
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the Best tip is to not worry about the end result but enjoy the making.
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My favorite tip is that every quilt has at least one error and to just keep going even if it isn't perfect.
The biggest difference for me was when I learned how to have accurate seam allowances on my machine. Also - some quilts call for "scant" quarter inch and some for exact quarter inch - always find out which!
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My biggest tip is not to be afraid t try. I have attempted so many new things this year by listening to blogs and just trying.
Hmmm...I love scrappy quilts so I'll give a tip for those. The more fabrics you add the more the prints/colours will work together.
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This is for the quilting part of quilting and I just learned it. Use Press-n-seal on top of your quilt--draw the qulting design on with a ball pint pen--quilt through it. Then pull it off against the stitches. It worked GREAT!
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Best quilting tip was probably using glue for binding. Works like a charm!!
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I have learned so much since starting on my quilting journey but one tip for everyone is to learn how to press, not iron - I tend to get a pretty heavy hand with my iron and have to slap my hands sometimes to lighten up.
Best tip ever = "Do what you know" If you are designing a quilt or a quilting motif, start with what you know and grow from there. It has helped me get "unstuck" many times.
Have been following for some time. :) Thanks for the chance(s) to win!
The best quilting tip I ever got was to just keep practicing…it's the only way to improve your work!
To stitch that extra line on corner pieces so you end up with a bonus HST for another project.
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quilt like your driving - look ahead, where you want your needle to go!
Love this. Best advice I've ever gotten is simply don't be afraid to try something new. Just keep your seam ripper handy! :)
I just bought a square ruled (6 inch) because I read that was a great way to cut your blocks out. I just started using it and I like it. :)
To stop being a perfectionist, no one will notice the mistakes. Even if you point them out, they still might not.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
To use best press when I press my seams. Gives such nice crisp seams.
Best quilting tip ever? That's easy: you don't need to be perfect. That one little sentence solves a multitude of mental problems for me. :)
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Measure twice, cut once.
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Gorgeous fabrics. I love the colours. Thanks for the chance! Oh and my tip has to be the one about measuring a load of times and cutting once. I also think it's a good idea to read any pattern through at least twice before starting.
Iron all seams
It's just a quilt- in other words don't stress over it.
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accurate seams and not being too hard on myself--only i notice if "points dont match." no one else will ever care:)
thanks for a chance!
press, press, press!
I am going to have to come back and read subsequent posts... this is one way to learn! my early helpful hint was how to press seams open... my latest helpful hint is to starch.
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Something to do with no noticing mis-matched points from a horse going fast in the opposite direction!
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