Do not eat string. Ivy
Please see also the most expensive piece of Aurifil ever, removed from Ivy's stomach. She's got good taste, so I will be storing all of my threads well out of cat reach from now on.
I hope your week has been less eventful and that you're having a great weekend! I'll be spending my time with this naughty girl and her brother (who thinks we brought an entirely different cat back from the vet!).
Poor Ivy :(
Silly kitty! Glad she's okay!
Oh no!
I recognise that specimen bottle. In my case, Muppet swallowed the world's most expensive pin. Thanks after hour vets.
Oh bummer, poor Ivy!
That’s an expensive piece of Aurifil for sure!
She is different. She's got bald bits ;) Glad she's on the mend.
I feel your pain. My Siamese ate a 35 inch piece of ribbon. $1300.00 vet bill. I store all my ribbons away from her now. I hope your kitty heals quickly!
Poor baby!
I'm so glad Ivy will be OK, having a sick tummy is not fun.
uh oh!!
glad you knew to get her to the vet and that she is on the mend.
Poor, poor Ivy! Glad she will be okay. Love your Caturday wisdom :)
My Pearl ate a similar amount of thread, her total bill after two surgeries (one to remove the thread, one because of infection) was $3000. That's a lot of kitty treats. Fortunately we had pet insurance and got 80% back. She did not learn from the experience and I had to install a screen door on my sewing room to keep her out yet not give me claustrophobia!
Oh no, I'm glad Ivy is okay. My Axel did the same thing when we had just adopted him. I can never leave thread out anywhere or on the machine.
That is one lucky cat! I have to be careful with my Star as well, she's got a fetish for yarn and fibre; so far she's only carried them around and nipped through them. Hopefully she never does swallow any.
Oh nO!!! Poor girl! Hopefully she stays away from string from now on!
Oh no! This is my greatest fear with my kitten Elsa and I've started to keep my quilting room door closed unless I'm in there. Oh Ivy (and Momma!).
Ivy looks really angry in that top picture. Perhaps my children don't cost too much more than cats after all. And I'm not allergic to them. I do like your Caturday Wisdon though, because I don't start itching and sniffling by reading your posts.
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