Hello and welcome to another SewMamaSew Giveaway Day!
If you are a new visitor, please feel free to take a look around - I've had a busy year, with lots of finished projects and a bunch of tutorials.
This time around I'm giving away this bundle of red, grey and aqua/mint fabrics. If you used them all together, I think you'd get quite a nice fresh Christmassy look, but none of the fabrics are actually Christmas fabrics so you could split them up and they would go just as well in any modern stash.
Rather than a fat quarter bundle, I'm giving away a skinny quarter bundle - so you get a 9" by width of fabric strip of each one. It's the same area as a fat quarter, just a different shape!
Rather than a fat quarter bundle, I'm giving away a skinny quarter bundle - so you get a 9" by width of fabric strip of each one. It's the same area as a fat quarter, just a different shape!
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post letting me know what you would like to see under your tree this year.
If you want, you can get an extra entry for each of the following (just leave an extra comment for each that applies):
- following my blog through google friend connect or a feed reader like bloglovin' or feedly (new and existing followers both count); and
- liking my facebook page.
This giveaway is open to everyone (including international participants), but if I can't contact you, you can't win. If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave your email address in the comment.
The giveaway will stay open until around 2pm Saturday 14 December 2013 (New Zealand Time), and I will use the random number generator at random.org to pick a winner then.
Good luck everyone! By the way, I usually respond to all comments, but giveaways can be a little overwhelming, so I hope you don't mind if I don't respond to your comment on this post.

1 – 200 of 875 Newer› Newest»Hello,Merry Christmas to you!
I'd like to see a new red turtleneck sweater for me under our tree!
I've got a whole lot of quilty books on my wish list and some square rulers :)
I would love to see my son, under my tree. he 12 hours away and may not make it home this year. Thanks for the chance to win!
Under my tree I would love to see fabric, fabric, fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
I want to see a new Juki under the tree!
I follow you on FB!
I would like to see some new quilting books under my tree. I've got a wish list started!
I follow you via Bloglovin'. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
As I said yesterday - a quarter inch foot is at the top of my xmas wish list. Thanks for the giveaway - red and aqua is my fav combination.
I have 'liked' your Facebook page!
Hi, I follow you on bloglovin. A non-quilter looking at my existing red and aqua stash might not understand why I would love more of it.
I am also an existing facebook follower. Thanks.
What a great stacks of prints! Hmm...I'd love a pair of tickets to some exotic place for vacation.
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Already liked you on FB :)
I would like to see lots of new fabric under my tree! Actually this Christmas is all about our kids so as long as they're happy I don't care what I get.
I'm a follower through bloglovin. Thanks for a chance to win some pretty fabrics!!
Hi there
Anything that will be a surprise would be great under my Christmas Tree which is finally up and ready to receive that surprise gift.
Enjoying following you on bloglovin
I've asked for some new perfume this year and that's about as far as I gotten. Thanks for the chance!
I already follow you through bloglovin! Thanks for the chance!
I would love to see a new car under that tree if it could fit, but seeing as that is a little out of our budget I would settle for some fabric.
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these fabrics are lovely!
What a great stack..thanks for the chance. I would like one of Santa's helpers to help me out with a few chores this Xmas. :)
I always enjoy fabric.
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I want to see Bike Path by Alison Glass!!
I want to see Bike Path by Alison Glass!!
Bloglovin follower.
FB follower, too :)
I would like fabric, or maybe some fabric or just fabric! :)
Love your blog Adrienne and love all your projects. Under my Christmas tree I would like lots of time to complete all the projects I love looking at - and some material too.
My dream Christmas under the tree would be a big check to cover the rest of the remodel of our home!
I follow your blog through bloglovin.
I really am hoping to see a new iron under my tree:) Hopefully I can use that to iron new fabric that will also be under my tree.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a Facebook follower:)
I would love to find some fun fabric under my tree this year!
I follow you via feedly!
I'd like to see the Tula Pink Foxfield range - a yard of each fabric. I'd also like her medallion quilt pattern.
Oh, and world peace!
and I follow on feedly!
I have quilt books, rulers and fabric on my list. I would love to win this bundle. Thanks for the chance
and to round out the stalking I do of you, I Like you on facebook!!!
I am a happy follower on bloglovin
I would LOVE diamond earrings (BIG ones), but I'm going to be happy with big fat bundles of fabric, too. :)
forgot to tell you I already like you on facebook
Hi, I follow you through Google and Bloglovin!
I would love to see fabric gift cards and an Accuquilt Go baby under the tree!
I follow you via BlogLovin, thanks for the chance!
I like you on Facebook, too!
I am really hoping to see the new perfume Flower Bomb! It smells so lovely! Thanks for the chance!
I follow via GFC!
I already follow on fb as well.
I'd love to receive fabrics!! Maybe something by Bonnie & Camille :)
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I like your facebook page.
I would love to see tickets to War Horse under the tree - I've wanted to go see that for a long time.
I'd love fabric under my tree! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a bloglovin' follower!
Yay I am a GFC follower - awesome giveaway and Happy Monday to you!
Merry Christmas!
I would love to see fabric under the tree for me!
I am a new follower on FB.
I began following you on bloglovin tonight.
The fabrics are my favorite colors so I hope to win!
I'm hoping for a quilt rack to display some of the quilting that are piling up around here :)
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I can always use some fabric under the tree.
Christmas has come early for me because I just got a new sewing machine! It is soooo awesome. What I'd like to find under the tree is some time to use my new machine!
I follow through BlogLovin', thanks for the chance to win.
I'm asking Santa for a new sewing machine! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you on Bloglovin
I sent my hubby an email with links to all the fabrics and books I'd like to see under the tree. I'm always a fan of surprise outings as gifts, though.
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Oh my list could be endless, but a couple of things I would like are:
- AMH fabrics, Ripe cookbooks - both of them, a new cutting mat and
a new camera. (lucky dreams are free)
Thanks for the chance - lovely fabrics.
I follow on bloglovin too. thanks
I am hoping for a surprise. My husband is great at those.
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Love the stack. I would like my son to decide what he want to do for his 21st on 3 January instead of the current "nothing" response for Christmas.
I follow you on Facebook :-)
I love the fabric and follow you via embedded link in my own blog. Christmas..hmm, this year has been funny and I have not really wanted anything in particular. Just a nice relaxed time camping
Hi Adrianne. What would I like under the tree? Fabric, of course, in fresh, bright colours, and - yes, this is totally unrelated - a new pair of hockey gloves.
I follow you on Bloglovin. Thanks for the chance to win, these fabrics are gorgeous!
Given my car just died today, I'd love to see a new car under the tree. In case that's too big for Santa, I'd love to see some new fabric or quilt book (to use up all that fabric I already have :D)
And I follow on Feedly!
I would love some Chanel perfume under my tree
Under my tree, I would love... fabric, fabric and maybe a bit more fabric. Ok that makes me sound greedy but I'm likely to make it into stuff to give away ;)
Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I'm a follower via Bloglovin :)
Doing a skinny quarter bundle is a great idea, I always prefer 1/4 yard cuts to fat quarters :)
I would love to see Charley Harper's new collection under my Christmas tree. I love that they made the collection organic, but I don't love that organic is so expensive and it's a great collection!
And you know I already follow you!
I'm always happy with a surprise under the tree. Although this year I'd quite like the EQ7 upgrade (since my EQ6 version shat itself).
I'd love to have more fabric under my tree! It's always great to have fabric that i didn't buy myself... makes me feel less guilty about spending so much money on fabric if i didn't buy all of it myself LOL.
Jo -- patchaday [at] gmail [dot] com
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Jo -- patchaday [at] gmail [dot] com
I always love fabric under the tree
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Gift certificates galore to any fabric shop under the sun :)
And I'm a loyal BL/IG friend!
Fabrics, fabrics, fabrics and fabrics...
I am already following you on bloglovin.
Did I told you I would love fabrics under my xmas tree?
Well of course, you know I am in for a chance to win fabric. Love these colour combos. I have had an early Christmas present already which was a lovely surprise, but I just want what every mother wants - for their children to play nicely together for the entire school holidays. It ain't gonna happen but we can always hope.
I already follow on Bloglovin :).
I'd love a long arm machine under my tree...somehow I don't foresee that happening ;) So I'd settle for some fabric and a quilt book or two :)
I follow on Bloglovin'
And I like your fb page :)
I would love to see lots and lots of fabric!
I follow you on Bloglovin.
Would love to complete a tree skirt this year.
I would love a new quilting machine! Thanks for the giveaway!
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I'm hoping for some new rulers and a couple pairs of flats.
I follow you on Bloglovin!
Ooh, love those wonderful fabrics! I would love to see a new sewing machine under the tree this year but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen! Maybe I'll get a fat stack of fatquarters instead.:)
I follow on google and on bloglovin!
Perfect wintery colours!
Under my tree i would like to see fabric of course!
follow you on bloglovin :-)
What a lovely stack - thanks Adrienne :) Would love a whole heap of delicious fabric under the tree this year - corny but true!
Follow you via GFC and blogloving :)
Oh! gorgeous fabrics! thanks for the giveaway! I am hoping for a bunch of pretty Aurifil thread under the tree and a couple of quilty books :)
I like you on FB - thanks for the chance and thanks for it being international as well! My giveaway is too :)
I would love those fabrics on my act as tree! Thanks for the chance.
I am your follower on bloglovin
I like your facebook page!
What lovely fresh fabrics. I really don't mind what I find under the tree so long as it isn't one of the little presents the cats bring in for me!
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Lovely bundle! Perfect for my bub-to-be's nursery. Thanks for the chance. :)
As for something under the tree - I'm not too fussed. Already know I'm getting a watch so am a happy girl. :)
I follow with Bloglovin'. :)
I am hoping for a new sewing machine. If my hubbie doesn't get the hint then I will be happy with what ever he chooses. Gorgeous fabrics by the way.
Follower via Bloglovin.
Gorgeous mix of fabric! Love that colour combination. :-)
Under the Christmas tree this year.... There are a couple of Papercut patterns I have my eye on, maybe the sewing fairy will bring them my way. ;-)
I follow you on Blogloving as well. (Love your Caturday words of wisdom posts!)
Follow you on Facebook I
I would like to see a gift certificate to my local quilt shop under my tree (my husband is reading this over my shoulder so perhaps I should aim higher).
I follow on Bloglovin.
Following on Facebook, too!
Lovely to have a chance to win some non-Christmassy fabrics in skinny quarters. They would would be nice under my tree along with any quilt books, rulers, thread or fabric!
Also liking you on Facebook.
And following on Bloglovin. Thanks.
I would love a Silhoutte Cameo. It would be so fun to play with it.
I have 2 things on my list for my husband. Some Chanel Chance perfume, or a gold bead necklace. I may add a fabric voucher to the list after reading the other replies. Great idea.
I have 2 things on my list for my husband. Some Chanel Chance perfume, or a gold bead necklace. I may add a fabric voucher to the list after reading the other replies. Great idea.
I follow your blog, and am in awe of how much you achieve.
Following you with bloglovin:)
Already a follower! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I'd love to see some aurifil under the tree!
Under my tree I'd like to see a 1/2 yard bundle of Charley Harper and a whole lot of time to sew in! thanks for a lovely giveaway
I follow your blog via feedly - thanks
And I already like your FB page - thank you!
I would love a large square ruler!
I follow you via Bloglovin'!
Love your fabric selections, as always!! Thanks so much.
I'd always be happy to see fabric under the tree, but I'd also like one of those rotating cutting mats for trimming.
sarah schraw at gmail dot com
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I'd love some new fabric for my stash! Shopping for my is on hold while I shop for every one else!
I follow you on Bloglovin'
I've liked you on Facebook for some time!
I would love to find EQ7 under my tree. Thanks for the cute giveaway. Merry Christmas!
I would love a gift certificate to my favorite fabric shop under my tree. :) thanks for the chance at a beautiful give away!
And I follow your blog.
I also 'like' your facebook page. (does that make me a stalker?) :)
I'd love to see a big pile of fabric under my tree!
I follow you on Bloglovin!
I would love to have a new sewing machine but it will doesn't happen so just spending time with my family, and maybe some little gift would be great.
I follow you on bloglovin
I follow you on Fb
I'm hoping for a little fabric lovliness from Santa (he has the best taste!) Thanks
I'd love to find a new sewing machine!
I follow you on FB, thanks!
I'm a new follower in Bloglovin
I'm hoping for some Botanics or maybe some Andover Textured Solids under my tree this year.
I'm hoping for some Botanics or maybe some Andover Textured Solids under my tree this year.
I follow via bloglovin.
Following on FB!
Following on Bloglovin:)
Love the colors you picked out! Super cute for the holidays and all year long.
I hope I can have one of these giveaways under my tree :) And I hope I am not a no reply person but just in case lissawatson3at gmail dot com
I would just need to know that my family is safe and my grandsons will have a good holiday even with the loss of their mommy. Family and memories is what is important
I follow you on bloglovin and I would like to see a vaccum cleaner under the tree.
I would love for one of my daughter in law's to tell me she is pregnant ; )
Yes I follow you
A ticket to go visit my newest grandson. He is already 3 months old!
I follow via bloglovin
Would love a cozy sweater.
I follow you via IG
More fabric! :)
wannabequilter (at) gmail (dot) com
And also - I already follow you on bloglovin'
I would love to find a note under the tree telling me to look outside. And then to find my youngest son home for Xmas. Unfortunately that's not gonna happen. :(
I would like to see some new dies for my Cricut Cuttlebug die cutter. Thank you for the chance to win x
Happy holidays to you! I would love to see a new sewing machine under the tree!! Ha, it's not going to happen, I'm pretty lucky I have everything I need. Going to donate all my families present funds to the Philippines this year!
I am following you on Bloglovin
I have liked your page on FaceBook
summer...can you arrange that..a little bit of summer under my tree :) it's been sooooo cold here in Alberta!
Oh a couple of good books would do me for Christmas.
This is my favorite color combo!!! I'd love to see fabric under my (as yet unpurchased) tree.
Following on GFC over the Tasman from Windy Wellington (we are booked to travel NZ in 2014!)
Nice to see that a few of my friends already follow you through Facebook - so I joined them.
Ahhh...A fellow kiwi! (Acutally, I'm now in Canada, but NZ will always be home)
Actually, not must on my list, but would love to find some awesome quilting notions.
liked you on fb
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