Wednesday, 5 December 2012

WIP Wednesday

I don't have much exciting progress with actual WIPs to report this week.  I am working on finishing off a few works in progress by the end of the year, and I am up to the less fun parts of several projects - like basting, and binding.  I have been doing little bits of prep this week, so I should be able to bust through a few things this weekend.

However, I finally got pictures of my Oakshott quilt up and the tutorial is available.  The tutorial is on Lily's Quilts here, and some more info on the prints used in the quilt is here.  I haven't shown much of the back yet, but I really love it, almost as much as the front.  I think I will have to do more pieced backs from now on.

Also, don't miss out on my giveaway as part of the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day.  I am giving away a charm pack of Sew Stitchy by Aneela Hoey for Moda - check it out here.

Ivy is pretty excited about all the giveaways around the crafty blogosphere!

Linking up with Lee over at Freshly Pieced:


Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

I always love to check the backs of quilts- it adds another element to the quilt's design.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Oh wow! I just checked out you quilt and tute - it is stunning! Beautiful work.

ItsNurseJessi said...

Very nice quilt, I saw it the other day at Lily's. I love me some Oakshotts!

Nat at Made in Home said...

Great quilt!

Kirsten said...

Your Oakshott quilt is stunning - love how the colours glow against the darker background!