Sunday 16 December 2012

Calling Kiwis and Aussies

Simply Solids: a modern {bee}

Erin at Sew at Home Mummy has set up a new online quilting bee called Simply Solids, in which the members will (you guessed it) use only solid fabrics.  You can find all the details here.

I have been wanting to make an all solids quilt for a while, but just haven't got there, so I think this looks like a lot of fun.

While I love the idea of bee members scattered across the globe working together to create beautiful quilts, the cost of sending fabric and blocks from New Zealand all around the world is something that has put me off joining a bee so far.

One of the best things (I think) about this bee is that Erin is organising it by geographical location.  I have signed up for the Australasian section (it says Australia on the sign-up form, but don't worry, it includes all of Australasia).  I think Erin has about 7 people for the Australasian group, and ideally would like 12, so if you are in the area, and keen to try working with solids over the next year, I would encourage you to sign up here.

I would also encourage potentially interested people in other countries to check it out - I know Erin is also particularly looking for more members for the Europe group and the UK/Ireland group.

Have you signed up for any bees next year?  This will be my first one - do you have any tips?


Deb said...

Oh I am toying with the idea, but am already committed to other bees. I tend to prefer bees where you can use your own stash. I always have fears I will make a wrong cut if I am using some out of print and hard to find fabric that someone has sent as part of their month.

I have done lots of bees and am totally addicted to them. I just have a ton of blocks needing to be made into quilts now!! I think the most important thing to remember is that you cannot expect perfection and you have to be ok with blocks that come back that may not have straight seams or points that don't match up or hideous fabric!!! I only have 2 blocks that will never see the light of day into a quilt...most of the time I get beautiful blocks in gorgeous fabrics and get to meet lots of new people along the way. You will have so much fun....and I still could be swayed!

Kirsten said...

I haven't been in a Bee group before and have signed up for another Aussie bee recently, but I really love sewing with solids so this sounds fabulous too! And I love the idea of using up stash fabrics!

Cat said...

I love bees, especially ones where you use your own fabric and yes postage can be a killer
I've forwarded the link to your blog post to a few NZ quilters I know of

Sarskhia said...

I am REALLY tempted to take part but I'm just not sure I can commit to the full year and I don't want to let anyone down. Having just been re-reading Yoshiko Jinzenji's 'Quilt Artistry', I would dearly love to play around with some minimalism.

Camilla said...

I've taken the plunge and signed up for this. I've never been in a bee before, so it'll be fun! I'm a kiwi living n Australia so it'll be good to connect with other Australasians!