Friday, 26 October 2012

Good service

I am not one to keep quiet about poor service.

I think a business that is providing substandard service should know about it.  I know some people don't like to complain or make a fuss - that's not me.

Part of the reason is that I don't think a business can improve its service unless it knows that it is not up to scratch, and what, specifically, went wrong.  I could just vote with my feet (and sometimes I do), but that doesn't help the business at all.

However, by the same token, I like to acknowledge instances of good service.

So... you know that fabric buying ban I mentioned all of two weeks ago?  Yeah, I kind of broke totally smashed it last week.

Pink Castle Fabrics was (and still is, until the end of October) having a massive sale with 25% off everything using the code MOVING.  I placed a fairly restrained order with Pink Castle Fabrics early last week, just a few hours before the sale was announced.

Then, I saw the sale announcement.  I wanted to add to my order, and make sure both orders were combined to maximise shipping.  A quick email to Pink Castle Fabrics and - yes, they would combine my orders, and, they would even apply the new discount to my previous order.  Very happy.

I don't have any special relationship with Pink Castle Fabrics - they're not paying me to say this (in fabric or otherwise), and I don't get any discount beyond what is available to everyone else.  I just wanted to share a story of good customer service with you.

Do you have stories of good (or bad) service to share?

PS:  Can I suggest that you follow the Pink Castle Fabrics blog - not only will you be in the know about sales, but there are interesting posts on various aspects of modern quilting, including the current Fall for Solids series.

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