Saturday, 13 October 2012

Dappled sunlight - layout options

Since I got all my half-square triangles trimmed, I decided to try out some different layout options.  The photos are not the best, because the rainy weather meant I wasn't getting much light on my "design table" (a piece of batting laid on my dining room table - need to get onto making that design wall).  In reality, the colours are a bit softer and sweeter.

1. Sort of a barn raising pattern - pretty clean and classic.

sunkissed sweetwater quilt

2. Something a bit different - repeating diamonds.

sunkissed sweetwater quilt

3. Similar to the first option, but off-centered - I think it comes across as a bit more modern.

sunkissed sweetwater quilt

I have picked one, and have the rows all sewn together already - I should have a finished quilt top before I go to bed tonight.  Can you guess which one?

And to prove my point from the last post...

sunkissed sweetwater quilt
Oh, Ivy!

1 comment:

Fran said...

My choice would be the same as the cat's! However, I also like option 3...