Saturday, 20 December 2014

Caturday Wisdom #99

Watch what you eat. Watch it very carefully. Ivy

I'm so sad that this photo is slightly blurry, you really need daylight to capture these quick little cats. 
Ivy is the most catlike of her and Ralph in a lot of ways but her food preferences are not one of them. Ralph's favourite food is any meat (tinned tuna/steak/mince/tenderloins/sausages/bacon/ham) and he will eat dairy if it's going (yogurt/milk/cream) - what you would expect from a cat. 
Ivy's favourites, as far as we can tell, are eggs, toast crumbs and coffee. She will sometimes eat meat though she takes so long investigating it and flinging it around with her claws that Ralph often gets in first, but she will reliably sit by your plate if you are eating a boiled egg, and will run off with the shell if you're not looking, she cleans up toast crumbs and will stick her head right in my empty mug to lick up the remaining drop of my morning coffee.
Anyone else have a pet with odd food favourites? 


Lee Ann L. said...

I caught my Abby Gail licking pure maple syrup one night off my plate that was temporarily set on the coffee table (we had waffles and bacon for dinner) and I was shocked! I could not believe she has a sweet tooth!

Dan and I now know to be vigilant when it comes to sweet stuff. We rarely leave dishes out; but, we was watching a tv show and I was waiting for a commercial.

She came to me later that night wanting attention. I think the poor thing had a sugar crash or something in spite of just having a few licks. She is not a lap kitty and yet, she was on me kneading and purring for over 30 minutes. (I took care of her since I found her at 4 weeks of age).

Abby Gail also likes popcorn. I discovered this when I accidentally dropped one on the floor and she dashed in, snatched it and ran off with it eating it up when I found her. Silly cat.

lalaluu said...

My dogs have always like butternut squash, and my little dog loves rice.

Jessica Jo said...

My Eddie-Puss used to love rice and sherbet. She lives in the basement now and doesn't get real food anymore. Sad for her, but now at least my rice is safe!

Kate said...

My CC eats crackers, cereal, bread, chips, rice, most usual human meats. She does not eat the twenty cans of kitten wet food I have in the pantry for her.

Unknown said...

One of mine loves muffin wrappers, the flavour doesn't seem to matter, also eggs, toast, savoury biscuits/crackers and chips. When we first got him from the RSPCA he ate veggies like green capsicum and snow peas.

Camilla said...

I Have a black dog (who being black and highly mobile, is remarkably hard to photograph). She loves apple!

Camilla said...

Oh and I forgot Guitar picks!

Margaret said...

Had a cat a few years ago that loved salsa.

Hettie's Mum said...

Daisy my Dalmatian regularly raids my vege garden to dig carrots, decimate broccoli and pull cobs off the corn. She is a true vegetable lover! I now have mild electric fence around my garden! Oh and tomatoes and strwberries go before ai know they are there. GRRRRR

Rebecca said...

I so look forward to your cat "wisdoms"

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

One of our cats likes tulle as in netting for sewing so we have to be very careful around the house. Actually he'll eat anything it seems even though he's feed a well balanced kitty diet.

Jennifer said...

That's funny! One of our cats also loves eggs. I put a plate down the other day while eating breakfast and when I came back he was right there snacking away at my breakfast! I also have a dog that loves coffee. ugh. It's the absolute worst when she sneaks in and gets the last cup of coffee before you've had any!

Jennifer said...

Laughec at all your nutty pets, glad to heat Ivy's not the only weirdo!

AuntieCrafty said...

Our black cat, Bella, loves pizza! Anytime we are eating pizza, she sneaks up on the table, gets a whole big triangle piece in her mouth, and quickly slams it to the floor. It's hysterical to watch!