Monday, 30 June 2014

A block a day

This weekend I saw something which has inspired me to set myself a block a day challenge for July. The Year 60 Quilt was made by Norma Slabbert (who was the speaker at our guild meeting). Norma's quilt involved making a quilt block each day for a whole year, to chronicle her 60th year.

I'm actually considering doing my own Year 30 challenge (I'll turn 30 in September 2015 so would start my quilt on my 29th birthday this year). I'm a bit worried about committing to a block every single day for a year though, so I'm doing a trial run by attempting to make a block every day in July.

My blocks will be 6.5" unfinished, quilted as I go, and then my plan is to put them together using the method Alison from Little Island Quilting is using to assemble her Soy Amado quilts. My rule (like Norma) will be to finish and put away each day's block on the day, so I don't have to catch up at any point. I'm planning to use lots of different techniques and also to let myself make something very simple on those days when I'm under a major time crunch.

Anyway, I'm posting this idea in the hope that having made it public will help me follow through. Also, if anyone is keen to join me, let me know. I could do a linky (maybe once a week?) so people can share their blocks. I'll also be posting my blocks on Instagram using the hashtag #blockadayjuly, so that's another option if you want to play along.

There are no rules, apart from one block a day (and if you want to make them in batches rather than one every day, it's no skin off my nose!). You don't have to make the same size block as me and you don't have to quilt as you go if you don't want to. This is entirely a personal challenge for me, so if you want to do it as well, go with what feels right for you.


vagabondindigo said...

I actually started something somewhat similar. However, it went from 1 per day to a bit less. However, I am still working it and it is a fantastic base idea. I use it to test techniques, play with colors, or just a stress release. I also started my blog with this project and I certainly use it for most of my quilting endeavors. I think any quilter who wants to challenge themselves should try something similar. Can't wait to see what you do!

Amanda said...

What a neat idea. Looking forward to you July blocks.

Helen M said...

What a great idea Adrianne - I will be there to encourage you in July and because it is my significant "0" birthday in 2015 (but a much higher number than yours hehe) I just might join you but I think I might make it a block a week and seeing as though my birthday is in June - gah I am behind already.....might have to get exhibition out of the way and do some catching up :)

craftykat said...

I am in! I started to sort through my scraps the other day and decided I really need to do something about it. This should be fun!

Erica said...

Sounds exciting! How big would your blocks be if you are making blocks every day for a year? That would be a really big quilt!

Robyn said...

I'm in too, at least for July, I dunno about a year

Jo Jo said...

You might have me here, sounds great, for July at least!

Lara said...

Great idea Adrianne! I'm trying to do 5 9 patch blocks a day ;) although I must confess I had a day off so had to play catch up! Looking forward to seeing what you make!

Hettie's Mum said...

Im keen to join you in my own version. I'm too slow a quilt maker and too busy at work to do a block a day but it would be great for me to commit to doing some form of quilt making for say at least 15 minutes day. It should be fun and a great way to fit in some of what I enjoy every day.. Great inspiration - thanks.

Elmosmate said...

Great challenge! Good luck! Norma was so inspiring at guild, that was a huge quilt.

Gina said...

I'm game. Its a perfect excuse to catch up on my Tula City Sampler quilt xx

Svetlana said...

What a fun idea. I'm so looking forward to seeing your blocks.

Debby said...

I like that idea. In August I hit my big 60 birthday, so a perfect time to do something like that.

cauchy09 said...

whoa, good luck! it's the perseverance i don't have, but it'll be inspiring to see you do it.

Tawa said...

Any ideas at this stage as to what sort of blocks? A sampler? A scrap quilt? 365 blocks is very daunting is a novice like myself.....though a good reason to withdraw lots of books from the quilt society library.
Could you follow up this blog with a few more musings on what you are considering for your blocks.

Unknown said...

I love this idea! I'm turning 29 this fall and think this would be so fun! :) I,too, would love to know where you'll be drawing inspiration for your blocks and colors!

Leonie said...

Great idea and go you for committing! Looking forward to seeing how you go and what you make!

Ginny said...

Love this idea as I am in the midst if sorting scraps and reorganizing my sewing room- I may be joining you but definitely cheering you on!