Wednesday, 5 June 2013

WIP Wednesday

This week, I'm working away on my sailboat quilt.  I've finished all the boats so the next step is to assemble the centre panel and then add the first border.  Once the quilt top is finished, I'll post a picture of the quilt in Jacqueline Morel's book (Le Petit Monde de Jacqueline Morel) so you can see how I've changed it up a bit.

Sailboat quilt in progress

I'm also going to try and get my June block for the Simply Solids Bee done this week - it is a double nine patch.  The first quilt I ever made was a nine patch quilt, so it is a favourite block of mine!

What are you up to this week?

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Susan said...

This is looking better and better......

Jo Jo said...

Wow, that's awesome!

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

Love love love! SO much so, that I even tried to look up Jacqueline's book but can't find a copy ;(

Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

Lovely with the low-value fabrics in the border!

Nilya said...

Such a cute Little quilt this will be!!!

shelia said...

Oh my amazing! I'd love to make one of those for my neighbors...they love their sailboat!

shelia said...

Where is the pattern from? How can I get me hands on it? ;)

Kristan said...

These boats are adorable! Nice job.

Erica said...

That quilt is looking great. I have spent this week cutting up a zillion tiny squares for a postage stamp scrap quilt, I'm almost done :)

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Those sailboats are so adorable and the low volume border really lets them shine!

Anita said...

Love how your quilt turned out :)

Cari said...

This is such an amazing quilt. I'm really enjoying seeing it come together!

Sara said...

Geesh this is such a fun,fun quilt to see!! Hope you get more progress going and get it done for that baby boy in time:)

Susan at said...

Looks great!

Tammy said...

what a beautiful quilts. Love your fabrics you are useing.

nicole said...

Love your boats!

Heidi said...

Best sailboat quilt I have seen in years! Beauty:-)

Anonymous said...

Love love love your boats! Great fabric picks too!

Michelle said...

Love the boats! The colors and different shapes of the sails look so lively.