Saturday, 1 June 2013

Fresh Sewing Day and Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom #21

June is here - winter has arrived.  It's getting nice to be indoors, sewing away.  If you're visiting from Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day, every Saturday I post a cat picture (ok, sometimes a dog picture) with a little caption.  I love hosting other people's pets, so if you have a photo of your pet with a funny, clever or wise caption which you would like to be featured - let me know!

"You don't have to look comfortable to be comfortable. Ralph

May brought a brand new addiction to appliqué, and even though it didn't feel like a particularly productive month, looking back, it seems I got a fair amount done.

I'm hoping for a June full of finishes - I have quite a few quilts that are not too far from being done.

Linking up with Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts.
Lily's Quilts


Sadie said...

Hi :-) stopping by from Fresh Sewing Day, you have some lovely projects, especially love the hottie cover!

Anne said...

I love your hottie! I need to get on with mine! I'm visiting from Lily's Quilts.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Cute projects! And I think cats are always comfortable no matter how they look to us humans...

Catrin Lewis said...

Love your 'Birds on a wire!' Also popping over from Lily's Quilts

Julie said...

The foxes are so cute! Great finishes!

Susan said...

I love everything you make Adrianne! I think the foxes have to be my favourites though!

Anna said...

You got loads done and the foxes are still my favourite!

Kirsten said...

Lovely projects Adrianne - those foxes are so cute!

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

A month of finishes I'll play with you! The caption is just purrfect for the photo. Love Leanne

Cloud CouCou said...

That little fox is sooo cute and love him (or her) on the cushion!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Hi just found your blog!! Your lovely hottie cover makes mine look a bit boring!!! I just might have to play around with my scraps & make another one!!! Linda kokaquilts

Rachel said...

Sounds like a productive month to me!

RobotMomSews said...

Oh, that fox is sooo adorable! That's a really cute idea of hosting pets. I'm a little (understatement) obsessed with our pug. I just might have to submit something - if it's clever enough!