Today, my Dad is celebrating a significant birthday (in fact, the same significant birthday as my Mum celebrated late last year). I wanted to take the opportunity to give my Dad a happy birthday shout out, and say thanks for being a great Dad!
Now, unlike Mum, Dad hasn't taught me too much about sewing (although his sewing knowledge does extend to sewing a button on a shirt, and you can bet that button will never come off again!). However, he has taught me a bunch of other things - like:
- being successful doesn't mean you have to be self-important;
- when you are trying to solve a problem, and think you have the answer, always do a reality check to make sure it makes sense;
- you can make white sauce without measuring any of the ingredients;
- it's only money;
- how to do complex sums in my head; and
- you have to let people do what they will do, even if you think you know better.
These are things I use just about every day.
So, you might be wondering what this fabric has to do with my Dad. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Dad took a trip to Japan. Of course, I asked him to bring me back some fabric. Dad is by no means an experienced fabric buyer, and I gave him pretty vague instructions (weird, text, modern), so I was expecting some potentially "interesting" fabric purchases. I also thought he might bring back four or five fat quarters. Nope - 14 half metres!

This is just a selection of the fabrics Dad picked out - my absolute favourites, although I like them all. The elephants above are so cute, I love the text fabric with the pink background, and the soft colours of the other fabric are just so sweet.
I think both of these text fabrics are Suzuko Koseki - they are very very cool. The fabric with the bow ties on it is awesome as well - the colours are really interesting (in a good way).

Dad thought the same print in two different colours might be handy, hence the ladybirds. Pretty good thinking for someone who isn't into fabric! The cats have so much personality - I know they will add a certain something to a future quilt.
Didn't Dad do well?! It makes me want to go on a fabric buying trip to Japan!
Anyway, Dad, happy birthday. I hope you have a good one!
Oh my, the ladybirds are perfect and definitely great thinking on his part to pick two colours! Awesome choices all around. Happy birthday to your dad.
He did indeed do well! I'd hate to think what my dad would have bought. I really like the 'other one' in the first picture and the ladybird fabrics. X
What a man! He's a keeper, thats for sure! Happy Birthday to the best dad in..... New Zealand! (I could hardly say the world, could I!?)
Oh, you lucky person having a dad like that! Enjoy those cute fabrics.
I think your dad did a great job getting those fabrics, I really like the ladybug ones. It's good that he got you a good mount of them too. Let us know if he goes again and I'll give him an open shopping list. LOL
So sweet!!! He did an awesome job :)
Oh my goodness - you should 'sell' his services to the rest of us, my husband does pretty good when he goes to the states but this is awesome!
I am really impressed! Go Adrianne's dad - and happy birthday!
Wow, he did do well! Happy birthday to him! 14 metres - lol!
You must have been thrilled when he arrived home with these! So thoughtful of him to be prepared to buy any fabric - he chose so well too. Seems he has taught you some great time lessons too, aren't they the best things to carry with us and use each day.
Success!! He did good. Happy Birthday dad!
Your dad is awesome!
Dad done well! Do you mind me asking the name of the shop he went to as my husband is going to Tokyo next week and I'd like to get him to do the same for me! Thank you.
Great fabric choices Dad! I can just see my Dad trying to pick out fabric! :) So sweet.
Well done to your Dad :-) He did amazing! And happy Birthday to him too!
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