Saturday, 30 March 2013

Just a little heads up...

Remember this oven mitt I made my dad for Christmas?

After 3 months of use, it's still going strong!  My mum even bought tea towels with hot pink accents to match (you can tell my dad is a pretty cool guy from the fact he is totally un-phased by all these hot pink items in his kitchen).

And, if you want to learn how to make your very own personalised oven mitt (hot pink entirely optional), you will very soon be able to.

The lovely Leanne from she can quilt is the hostess of the 2013 Finish-A-Long, and, starting 1 April, she is hosting a series of tutorials to celebrate the end of the first quarter of 2013.  My oven mitt tutorial is up on the 2nd of April, and I am really excited about it.  It has downloadable templates people!  The other tutorials Leanne is hosting also look fabulous - I will be reading them with interest!  Check out all the details here!

she can quilt


Susan said...

I'll be on the look out for your oven mitt tutorial!

Kathleen said...

I love the quilting you've done on it. Very retro :D

JHNickodemus said...

Very cool! I've been testing a prototype as well in the pot holder variety an I'm quite smitten!

Kirsten said...

The oven mitt suits their lovely kitchen perfectly! Will definitely be on the lookout for your tutorial.

Leanne said...

That is a beautiful kitchen for that cool oven mitt. And it is a great tutorial too, I think everyone will love it.

Anonymous said...

I love the kitchen appliances :-). The oven mitt adds a nice bit of color.

Anonymous said...

I also just went over to she can quilt.....what a lot of finishes you managed - Congratulations :-)