Saturday 30 March 2013

Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom #12

This week I just had to share this photo of Whiskey, my parents' dog.  He is a poodle cairn terrier cross, and you can tell from his head that he is quite fluffy, but under that fur he is just a little chicken legged creature.  Like most dogs, he loves to roll in filth any chance he gets, so is regularly washed under the spare shower.

"It is highly likely that you will regret letting anyone take photos of you in the shower." Whiskey

Does your pet have something to say? If you would like to see your pet on a future Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom post, send me an email (adrianneonthewindyside at gmail dot com) with the photo you would like featured, some words (wise, witty, or just plain silly) that relate to the photo, your pet's name, and a link to your blog/flickr stream/website.


Sarskhia said...

Awww, poor Whiskey. He and Lara Bingle should form a support group.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Look at his legs ! They are so tiny !

We shaved my dog once (he is a Shapendoes) and he was so skinny. We had tiles all over the main floor so he was always cold and at some point, he started to sleep while he was standing because the floor was too cold for him. Poor little thing :)