Saturday, 2 May 2015

Caturday Wisdom #118

 There's no place like this box. Ivy
Ivy went on an adventure on Thursday.
Her and Ralph are indoor cats, we live on the corner of two very busy roads (and, not to say they're idiots but Ralph ran into a wall the other day) so they are allowed outside with supervision. They're pretty timid when they do go outside and tend to stick by the house and just roll on the ground and chase bugs. Long story short she was let out and went to explore the neighbourhood leading to much worry and walking around the neighbourhood for us. She eventually turned up outside at 11:30pm, sassy as you like.
Ivy, you owe me at least 10 days on a beach somewhere for that.


NickiJ said...

You would have been beside yourself with worry. They must have so much fun on their adventures and forget the time of day!

Poppy Black said...

Oh yes - I know exactly what you mean. Mr Mouse is allowed out during waking hours if we are home. He is very timid so runs in when there is trouble. Fergus is very pretty and desperate to explore. A perfect target for thieves and would be a twit on the road. Strict supervision required. I know how desperately sad I would be if anything bad happened, so I am a crazy protective cat mother!