Wednesday, 20 November 2013

WIP Wednesday

I thought it was time for an update on my Midnight at the Oasis quilt.  I haven't really been keeping up with the QAL but I have made a start on the fourth border.

Midnight at the Oasis quilt - flower border in progress 

There aren't too many green sprouts in autumn - you're more likely to see bare branches and maybe the last of the blossoms.  You might also spot some mushrooms sprouting up in the undergrowth.

Midnight at the Oasis quilt - flower border in progress

I'm blanket stitching all the shapes in place - the orange peel border started an addiction to this kind of handwork - and it's very relaxing.  The bias strip is currently held in place by my new favourite notion - appliqué glue.  I was intending to machine stitch the bias strip in place, but actually now I think I'll blanket stitch them too.

The Elven Garden

It's so wonderful seeing all the different versions of this quilt as people work on it - make sure you check out the flickr group for all the gorgeousness.

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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Leanne said...

It's looking beautiful!

Hilary said...

This is really gorgeous! I love blanket stitching too.

Erica said...

This is a work of art! I'm looking forward to seeing more of this in the future!

Suz J said...

That's the way with quilt-alongs... it always seems you are rushing to catch up! I really love your colours for this one (and was sorely tempted to join in after seeing yours, but managed to resist the urge).

Susan said...

I love your version Adrianne! How cute are those mushrooms! I am seriously tempted by this- it might go on my 2014 list!

Carla said...

Everything about this is so pretty!

MsMidge said...

Wow!!! Looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Looking fabulous....just love those mushrooms. Marie (

dutchcomfort said...

Such a fun idea to add the mushrooms! It looks beautiful!

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

Your blanket stitching skills are insane! Perfection!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

It is looking amazing xxx

MaterialGirlQuilts said...

This is all kinds of amazing!

Sara said...

The rusts and blues are shining brightly in this quilt and I adore all your carefully placed blanket stitches:)

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Gorgeous! I love how this is turning out!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting

Aoife said...

Wow! That is an astoundingly beautiful quilt. Just wow, that's all I've got right now.

CapitolaQuilter said...

I can't imagine what "keeping up with" might look like - what you've got going is spectacular

Jenny said...

Wow! Absolutely beautiful!

Helen M said...

Your MATO looks gorgeous Adrianne - I am stalled at the flowers on the vines bit - inspiration has deserted me all week but I now think I know how I want to tackle it so will get this round finished this weekend hopefully.

Unknown said...

This is so intricate and amazing!

Kelsey said...

Your blanket stitch is the bomb. Damn girl, it's perfect! I love how this top is coming together. I'm excited to see what you do next!

Rachel said...

Wow, this looks amazing.

jeifner said...

The colors are just so beautiful, it's a total stand-out.

Nat at Made in Home said...

Love it, total quilt envy right now!