Saturday, 12 October 2013

Caturday Wisdom #40


I hope someone gets the reference...

This looks horribly cruel but I assure you that both cats truly appreciate a new bag, particularly the rectangular ones (all the better to shoot out of at speed) and Ivy just managed to get there first. You will remember that Ivy's face just looks like that. Some of us can't help it.

As always, pet advice submissions are welcomed at adrianneonthewindyside at gmail dot com. Have a great weekend!


Cille said...

Ha ha... My cats are the same. A bag, a box, a basket... You name it. There's sure to be a cat inside ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of your cat. Love the way you have caught the light. My cat is also bag obsessed

Anne said...

I will never buy a cat bed, because their favorite place to sleep is the amazon boxes that come with stuff for myself! :)

Camilla said...

I hesitate to confess here that I'm not a cat person, but that first photo with the light and the bag and the expression is stunning!