Wednesday, 21 August 2013

WIP Wednesday

So far I'm having a pretty quiet sewing week.  I'm finishing up the binding on this quilt, which I'm really excited to finish.  It's backed in minky which is super soft and snuggly.

Since it's tricky to hand stitch binding to minky, I sewed it onto the back of the quilt first and I'm hand stitching it to the front.  I've used the same black and white dot print that I used for the narrow borders for the binding.  I'm mostly using black thread to blend in with the binding but since the white dots are so large I've left those bits unstitched and I'll go back with white thread and finish them up later.  Is that crazy?

I also got a knitting lesson from my mum this weekend and I've been knitting up a little sample to try and get my stitches right.  It still feels quite awkward but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.  I've bought yarn for my first project, a scarf.

Have you been trying anything new this week?

Linking up with:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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Susan said...

In a word "Yes"- you are crazy to be stitching in both black AND white thread! No new skill this week, but I have been knitting a scarf too!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

The perfectionist in me would likely do the same as you with your hand stitching. Great idea to machine sew the binding to the back first.

Carla said...

Cute kitty and yes I say you're crazy, but I have to admire the perfectionist.

Serena @ Sewgiving said...

Good idea hand stitching on the front ... I'll have to remember that one. Wish there was a thing such as clear thread - then we wouldn't have to worry about black/white showing :)

Jessica said...

Attention to detail is so important, and you are doing just that (and it makes you happy, so double win!). Love the scarf! Knitting is the best :D

Leanne said...

I would not use two threads to stitch a binding, once it is washed no one will ever notice but it is lovely that you are being so careful with the details. I am sure you will be comfortable knitting in no time.

Jo Jo said...

Nothing new here, but your cat is sooo gorgeous! I say it about (both?) of them all the time, but they are! Are they a special breed?

Kelsey said...

Ooo so looking forward to seeing that completed quilt. Yay for learning to knit! Kind of awkward at first but so amazing for having something craft that is portable and can be done while watching tv or a movie :) welcome to the knit club!

nicole said...

Your quilt looks awesome, and can't believe you're switching out the thread while binding!! That's some serious attention to detail!
As for new projects for me... i'm trying sew and turn applique for the first time. Working on a practice project for my Penny Sampler!

Susan at said...

Nope, not crazy at all! I got lazy and used some light blue thread through a yellow section of Phoenix and it drives me nuts. My kid couldn't find it even when I pointed her to where it was - but I see it. I see it indeed. :)

Susan @

Kirsten said...

Your quilt looks beautiful. Such a cute photo of your cat too:)

Laney said...

Hi! Love your quilt and your cat! I miss my cat helping me sew.
Oh and I would so not be going back to sew some places in white! LOL

Elmosmate said...

OMG crazy! But they are big dots...
Quilt looks bright and beautiful.

christina in san diego said...

Wow, this quilt has really caught my attention! I can't wait to see it in its entirety.

Gorgeous kitty too. :)

Jill said...

It's so great that you're picking up knitting. Can't wait to see what you make.

Jill said...

It's so great that you're picking up knitting. Can't wait to see what you make.

Lou said...

Your quilt and cat caught my eye on WIP Wednesday!! Love the black with white dots on the borders, that's going to look fantastic on the binding - can't wait to see it finished. I commend you for using two colour threads - I'm far to impatient to do that!

Cille said...

Good luck with the knitting :) the quilt looks exciting. I've been AWOL for a while so this is the first glimpse...looking forward to see more.

Nat at Made in Home said...

Love the colour of the yarn! You will get the hang of it, and will not be able to put it down!

Erica said...

What a great idea to sew the binding on the opposite way! I have had problems with quilts that I made and backed with minky. I think the minky stretches a little and it causes the thread to break in the hand sewing on the back. I just gave up and machine stitched over all of the minky quilts we have at our house, but I would definitely try your way in the future for quilts I give away.