Monday, 8 July 2013

Old New Sailboats Quilt

My sailboats quilt is finished and has been delivered to the mother-to-be.  I am very very pleased with how it came out, and it was well received, which is always nice!

Old New Sailboats Quilt 

You can see that I kept the quilting very simple with my favourite diagonal cross-hatch.  The lines are 1" apart.  The first time I quilted a cross-hatch I tried using the guide bar that comes with my walking foot.  The theory is all good, but in practice, it doesn't work well for me.  The other end of the guide bar gets in the way of my right hand, it gets bumped out of place too easily, and I still find it difficult to get neat straight lines.  Since then, I've been converted to marking all my quilting lines, and even though it's time consuming, I find the result is a lot better.

I use a hera marker for marking quilting lines - partly because there is no risk of making a mark that will not come out of the fabric, but mostly because it is the most cost effective way of marking.  Once you've bought a hera marker (which, by the way, costs about the same as a single marking pen), you should be able to keep using it for many many years.  This is the one I have, and I would highly recommend it.

Old New Sailboats Quilt 

If you're interested in how I made the quilt top, I shared some of the details here.  It involved a variety of techniques, including foundation paper piecing, machine appliqué and regular piecing.  Since there was quite a bit happening on the front of this quilt, I decided to go very simple for the back. This navy and cream ticking stripe fabric fits nicely with the nautical theme.  It also happened to be 54" wide, meaning I didn't have to piece the back (hooray!).

Old New Sailboats Quilt 

Even though I'm happy to pass this quilt on to it's intended home, I'm also a little sorry to say goodbye to it.  I enjoyed making it a lot more than I thought I would.  The colour scheme is out of my usual comfort zone, but I had a lot of fun picking fabrics (and more of them come from my stash than you might expect!).

Old New Sailboats Quilt 

Back when this quilt was still a WIP, I asked for some advice on labelling.  I received lots of great ideas, including the suggestion to add the label later after the baby is born.  In the end, I decided that if I didn't label the quilt now, it would never get done.  You can see the label I went with below - the couple's last name is actually on the label, but I have edited it out for their privacy.  After writing the label with a fabric marker, I used fusible webbing to attach it to the back of the quilt, and then blanket stitched around the edge with two strands of embroidery thread.

Old New Sailboats Quilt

I would really like to make another version of this quilt in a colour palette that's more my speed.  Sadly the book the pattern is from (Le Petit Monde de Jacqueline Morel) seems to be out of print and a bit hard to find, otherwise I would definitely be adding it to my collection.  I guess I'll have to wait until I can get it out of the guild library again!

Quilt Stats
Pattern: Old Sailboats Quilt from Le Petit Monde de Jacqueline Morel
Finished Size: Approximately 42" square.
Fabric: assorted designer quilting fabrics including Moda, Anna Maria Horner, Riley Blake and Tula Pink
Backing: Navy and Cream Ticking Stripe
Binding: Tonal High Rise in Dark Blue from Velocity by Jessica Hogarth for P&B Textiles
Pieced and quilted by: me, on my domestic sewing machine.

Linking up with:

and with Finish it up Friday at crazy mom quilts.


sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

<3 <3 <3!!!! What more can I say that hasn't already been said (by me, hah!)? Love everything about this.

Heather said...

Can't stand marking - I like to use 1 inch wide painters tape for straightline or grid quilting.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

It looks wonderful Adrianne, no wonder you were sad to see it go. love your label too, especially the blanket stitch around the edges.

Erin @ Once Upon a Donkey said...

FABULOUS! Every component is wonderful - and that backing is absolutely perfect. You are amazing to be able to let it go.

Anne said...

This is my favorite thing you've ever done!!! (well until you do the next thing. :) Love love love. The back is so stinkin' perfect. Nautical and fitting and just. GUH. So good.

Rebecca said...

Great quilt!

dutchcomfort said...

Such a sweet and beautifully made quilt! I love the cross hatch quilting and the label too. I can imagine you feel a little sad to see it go. Can’t wait though to see the version you plan to make with your favourite fabrics!

Heidi Staples said...

What a darling summer quilt, Adrianne!!

Susan said...

This is a lovely quilt, Adrianne! I am sure it will be well loved! I'd love to see your own interpretation one day too!

Erica said...

So, so, so cute. I am a big fan of the crosshatch too. I usually use a hera marker, but I occasionally use the quilting guide on my walking fit. I think the trick is to duct tape it in place, but I still don't really like using it.

Cari said...

I am just in awe of this! I loved it when it was just the boats, and I love it now with the borders -- just perfect! Interesting note about the hera marker. I'd never heard of that before.

Jo Jo said...

Just beautiful, what an amazing present for them all :)

Anonymous said...

This quilt is adorable! I have a couple of nieces who live near the ocean, and this would be so cute in their bedroom.

Stephanie said...

I agree this one would be hard to give away. Very nice indeed!!

Cindy said...

I so love this quilt! You did an absolutely fabulous job!!! I don't blame would be hard for me to give away too!

Mary said...

This is my first visit to your blog, but it certainly won't be the last! Your quilt is lovely. I took a look around at your other quilts and have to say, I really admire your color and design sense. You are very talented and I can't wait to see what you make next. Thanks for sharing them with the world.

Mary said...

And one more thing... As I read further through your blog I found your instructions for determining whether a commenter was a "no reply" commenter and how to fix that. I was and I did. That post is a real public service.

heart of charnwood said...

Another fab finish Adrianne, and I so agree with you about the Hera, worth their weight in gold :o)

Unknown said...

Hi Adrianne, I very recently discovered your blog. The quilts you make are so amazing and very inspirational! A few weeks ago I started making my very first quilt, I think I'm already obsessed ;)
May I ask where you got your hera maker from? I really want to buy one so I can mark out my lines.

Adrianne @ On the Windy Side said...

Hi Diana! Did you know that you are a no-reply blogger? It means that people can't reply to your comments by email. If you want to change that, check out this post:

I bought my hera marker from Spotlight, which is a big box sewing store in New Zealand and Australia. If you look up in my post, in the paragraph under the picture of the hera marker, you might see that the word "This" is a link. If you click on it, it will take you to an online store,, where you can buy a hera marker just like the one I have. I've used several times before and I would recommend it as a good source of sewing and quilting notions. Hope that helps!

nicole said...

It turned out gorgeous Adrianne! Your quilting is just perfect!
And i can't live without my hera marker! Genius invention!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

This turned out so beautifully! I love the quilting - perfection!

I think I need to track down a hera marker now!

Cloud CouCou said...

Wow! That quilt is fantastic it must have taken ages! The hera marker is now on my list!

Mareenchen said...

It's absolutely gorgeous. My dad's not a sailor but a learned deep sea fisherman. Will keep the pattern in mind!

JHNickodemus said...

Oh my! Exquisite!

Frances Meredith said...

Beautiful quilt ...

CapitolaQuilter said...

the straight line quilting is just perfect for the quilt. Congrats on the finish, you have a lot of really nice projects.

apple slice said...

gorgeous. you elevated the sailboat quilt. excellent work!!

MellieWo said...

Amazing! Such a great quilt and every bit of it looks great together and well thought out! Love love love!

Jill said...

Great quilt! Thanks for adapting this pattern and describing in detail how you varied it from the source you found it in! I am on a boat/ship quilt block finding frenzy lately and I am just so inspired by this creation of yours.