Sunday, 22 July 2012

Modern meets traditional

This is the first quilt I pieced, basted, quilted and bound myself.

I had two charm packs of Oasis by 3 Sisters for Moda and combined them to make this quilt and a scrappy chevron quilt top using half-square triangles.

I do like the fabric, even though it is not terribly modern.  Although the top is simple patchwork, it is quite busy, so I wanted to keep the backing and binding simple.

To up the modern factor, I decided to use solids - the quilt is backed in a white cotton fabric that I bought on special at Spotlight and it is bound with FreeSpirit Designer Solid in Sand Dune which I bought online from Hawthorne Threads.

I stitched in the ditch and then diagonally in every second diagonal row.  I like the pattern it makes on the back.

This quilt does not have an intended home, so it will either be sold or wait until the right recipient comes along.

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