Friday, 9 October 2015

Squid Ink and Sorbet Quilt top

While I'm pulling together my list for Q4 of the 2015 Finish Along, I thought I would share my most recent quilt top finish.  I don't think I've blogged about this quilt top yet, although I have certainly shared a few progress photos on instagram.

This year is the 30th anniversary of my local quilt guild, Capital Quilters.  To celebrate, my friend Anne had the idea to run a block challenge involving our guild logo, the hand of friendship / bear paw block.  Lots of people have joined in - you can see their blocks by checking out the tag capitalquilters30th on instagram.  If you want instructions on how to make these blocks (which are 21" square, you can find them here).

Anyway, I started with this group of fabrics, with the idea of making brightly coloured bear paws on a dark grey backgound.


To keep the scrappy factor high, I mixed pink, aqua and mustard fabrics within each block.  The first four blocks went together quite quickly, as I made one a month.


Then I had a long break between blocks but managed to get the rest of the blocks done and the quilt top put together last weekend.

Squid Ink and Sorbet Quilt top 

I wasn't entirely sure how that scrappy sashing would work, but I'm happy with the result!

Squid Ink and Sorbet Quilt top 

There are lots of creatures in these blocks!

Squid Ink and Sorbet Quilt top 

The top finished at 75" square, so I have sent this quilt off to be long-armed.  I've chosen some super cool fabric for the back, so I'm excited to get it back and finished off.

Squid Ink and Sorbet Quilt top

Guild members are invited to bring their quilts to the November meeting (whether finished or not), and hopefully I will be able to share a whole lot of different scrappy bear paw quilts with you then!

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Serena @ Sewgiving said...

This quilt looks like fireworks to me, love it!! I'm a huge fan of scrappy sashing, it helps break up the monotony of repetitive block patterns :)

Ella said...

Scrappy continues to grow on me the more I see it. This is lovely!

Cassandra said...

Oh I love the colour combo /scrappiness of this. You are always such an inspiration 😊😊😊

Cassandra said...

Oh I love the colour combo /scrappiness of this. You are always such an inspiration 😊😊😊

Cassandra said...

Oh I love the colour combo /scrappiness of this. You are always such an inspiration 😊😊😊

Jennifer said...

Love it! Can't wait to see the quilted version.

SarahZ said...

What a beautiful scrappy quilt! I love it!!!!

Debbie said...

This is so lovely! I like it SO much!

Grandma said...

Love the bear paw block & your scrappy one is beautiful.

Jessica said...

Yessssss! Scrappy bear paw for the win (with that background, no less!). This is so lovely. I always adore your color combos!

Elizabeth said...

Fantastic! It's gorgeous. That's another quilt to add to my Pinterest board.

Rosa said...

Love your color combo and design.

sue said...

It's so great! The scrappy sashing is something I need to be brave enough to try because yours is fabulous.

Teresa in Music City said...

This is GORGEOUS Adrianne! If I didn't have a million projects in process already, I'd drop everythign and make one just like it :*)

Mina said...

I really like the use of scrappy sashing

greeneggs said...

I love this. The name is awesome, had me really interested. Dark grey/charcoal is such a beautiful background for bright colours.

HollyM said...

Very pretty! I like the bright scrappy blocks with the grey.

pasja said...

CudeΕ„ka :)

Wendy said...

It's brilliant! Love the colour scheme and the dark scrappy background

Wendy said...

It's brilliant! Love the colour scheme and the dark scrappy background

leanne said...

wow love this quilt - the colour combo is gorgeous !

Mary Huey said...

What fun!! I like the scrappy dark backgrounds and sashing!

Melanie said...

The blocks are really lovely.

Constantly Quilting said...


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Love it!

CapitolaQuilter said...

The name is perfect for the quilt. Maybe not so much for an actual flavor but describes the palette spot on. Speaking of names - every time I read CapitalQuilters I do a double take.

Karyn said...

I like the look of this one. I may have to make a few blocks myself!