Saturday, 12 September 2015

Caturday Wisdom #137

Good things come to those who wait.  Ralph

I heard a very quiet rustling sound in the hallway and came out to find this.  It's been a long time since Ralph managed to get his paws on a roll of toilet paper to shred.  It's apparently hugely satisfying for him - I have to keep my toilet paper on top of the bathroom cabinet where he can't get it it, otherwise it ends up in thousands of tiny pieces.  Clearly on this day I was distracted before I put it back, much to Ralph's delight (and my chagrin).


Mary Huey said...

Glad none of my cats do that!! LOL

Maggie said...

My Honey loves to shred regular paper. She even dug her own rabies certificate out of her folder and shredded that up. It doesn't seem like she eats it, she just likes to tear pieces off and throw them about like confetti.

jes1776 said...

Your poor kitty probably needs to go outside for awhile to take out his pent up aggressions! Every cat needs a bit of fresh air every now and then.

Kim B. said...

oh heck what's a roll of toilet paper compared to his joy!! Just think of one roll per package as kitty toy!!

: )

Phyllis in Iowa said...

Ivy reminds me of my Andrew and Amos. Andrew chews paper -- bills, quilting notes, and patterns.