Saturday, 15 August 2015

Caturday Wisdom #133

 Who says cats don't recycle? Vivi

I love how there's an actual cat bed *right there*.
I have found that cats are quite good at repurposing items, they're just not always the items you would like to be repurposed.
Cardboard boxes are fine as a bed but too messy as a cat chew-toy.
String is fun, the shoelaces on my shoes are not string. Same goes for drawstrings on tousers or sweatshirts.
Pins and matches are both useful items but are not good things to carry around in little cat mouths.
It's lucky they're cute, right?

1 comment:

Dianne Ross said...

The other night I was sewing up a jumper (I think you guys call them sweaters) I noticed my miniature schnauzer had two pins stuck to her mow. I was afraid she had eaten the pin cushion 😬. Thankfully she hadn't, still not sure how they got there. Have a great weekend.