Thursday, 13 August 2015

Almost Primary mosaics

It's been a long time since I've entered one of these mosaic contests, but today some virtual fabric play was just what I felt like.  Rachel from Stitched in Color is running a contest centered around the theme "almost primary" - think blue, red and yellow, with a little something extra.

These are my entries, using fabric swatches from Lark Cottons.

Pretty Primary

For this first mosaic, I was inspired by the centre fabric, and pulled a selection of bright and cheerful fabrics to complement it.

Primary Industry

For my second entry, I wanted to go in a darker, almost slightly grungy direction.

I suggest you hop yourself over to Stitched in Color to check out the other entries and maybe enter yourself.

1 comment:

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Oh, goodness! I like them both. So glad you participated!