This weekend I finished up this pixelated heart quilt which I started rather a long time ago. The quilt top was made using Jolene's pixelated heart quilt tutorial, using 2.5" squares. I've been waiting to quilt it for a long time. I wanted to quilt feathers on this quilt, but I hadn't really quilted feathers before and I was nervous.
Even though it wasn't really meant to be included in Krista Withers' compositional quilting class, Krista taught us how to quilt feathers. Feathers are notoriously tricky but Krista shared a technique for making them easier.
Anyway, I did this quilting on my Juki, mostly free motion, but also using my walking foot a little bit (for the stems of the feathers and the straight diagonal lines). After I quilted the feathers, I added in the straight lines to divide up the space (one of the key concepts from Krista's class was dividing the space into different segments and using different quilting designs to fill them). I then filled in the unquilted spaces using two different motifs - paisley with bubbles and straight(ish) lines.
I really had to throw a solid fabric on the back of this quilt. Nothing else shows up detailed quilting as well as a solid!
I will pop a label on this quilt and then I really want to send it through the washing machine and see how it changes after washing. At QuiltCon, I got to touch a couple of quilts that Leanne (shecanquilt) had quilted very densely and then washed a couple of times. They were so much softer than I expected! The paisley / bubble quilting is pretty dense so I think this quilt could use some softening up.
I am pretty thrilled with how this quilt came out. I'm really inspired to keep working on my free motion quilting. It's all about the practice!
Have you been working on your free motion quilting skills lately?
This quilt was definitely on my Q1 list for the 2015 FAL! See you very soon for the Q1 finishes linky!

The quilting is stunning. Love it.
Your feathers look fantastic; how great to get a bit of a tip on them at QuiltCon and then dive immediately into using them! I definitely took a lot of lessons learned home, too, and have been trying to push my comfort zone on FMQ, too.
Absolutely gorgeous Adrianne - your quilting is so beautiful!
This is beautiful Adrianne and I think I like the back better than the front:))
This is just gorgeous and you should make something similar as a whole cloth quilt!! I have been working on my fmq swirls this week. Its a bit of a challenge but I am loving the texture.
You did a great job! It's stunning!
Brilliant! It looks so beautiful and I would love to see what it looks like once you wash it. I have done quite a lot of free machine quilting - but never feathers, apart from one wee go. i have finally worked out how to get my tension right, and now I need more time to create. I tried some zig zags on my most recent project - very tricky to get even stitches with the sudden change of direction!
Looks like there was no need to be nervous, your feathers look great!
Such a great idea to do the feathers around the heart as you can then appreciate the heat on the back too. :)
oh this is just lovely. I think you have the gift!
What gorgeous quilting! I am very impressed.
Fabulous quilting. Thanks for sharing the tip of using the walking foot for the feather stems. They are massively difficult with free motion.
Way to go! I am almost there, but it is great to see people forging ahead on their skills and having such beautiful results. It really makes the quilt. Love it~
Stunning quilting.
So impressed with your quilting with your Juki. Some great work. I have just had a Juki arrive last week and I am loving the machine!
Your feather quilting is gorgeous. This quilt is as lovely from at back as it is on the front!
You have done a stunning job - doesn't look at all like you were new to feathers!! Well done.
Wow - stunning! the quilting is divine!
really awesome quilting - looks so fabulous !
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