Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom #7

This week's words and photo come from Amanda, aka The Fabric Engineer.  Isn't her cat Flurry a cute little sewist?

cat and sewing machine

 "I'm out of fabric...I think you should go to the fabric store.  Now." Flurry

Does your pet have something to say? If you would like to see your pet on a future Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom post, send me an email (adrianneonthewindyside at gmail dot com) with the photo you would like featured, some words (wise, witty, or just plain silly) that relate to the photo, your pet's name, and a link to your blog/flickr stream/website.


Chelsie C said...

I don't have any pets, but my son likes to climb up to my machine and say "up down, up down." talking about the needle. And he likes to push the buttons and say "Numbers!" And he likes to play hide and seek: "I see you."

Fran said...

Don't give my cats any more ideas!! I can tolerate them sitting on the quilts, but not using the sewing machine!