Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

This cartoon from the wonderful xkcd continues to reflect my thoughts about Valentine's Day in the context of romantic relationships.

However, this year I'm feeling a bit less grinchy and am taking part in a little swap with my local sewing friends.  This is my contribution - a very simple hand stitched stuffed heart.  I thought about making a jar of little stuffed hammers but I didn't think anyone else would get it...

Enjoy the day!


Julie said...

Cute heart - my husband and I don't celebrate Valentines Day, and we don't feel the need to succumb to that commercialised pressure that starts from about New Years Day. Have a happy weekend.

Lisa said...

Love the heart, the cartoon and the sentiment. In my early 20's, I bought my then-boyfriend a Valentines card with a picture of an old lady with a large nose, and the words "Asked to pick her favorite body part... Martha picked her nose". He didn't get the humour.

mumasu said...

Love the cartoon, it does cover how i feel about valentines day. Its my birthday so actually i can virtually ignore it!

Charlotte said...

bwahahahahahahahahaaa! Love it! Pretty heart, too :-D

joy said...

My husband and I became an item on Feb 3rd (many years ago now), so instead of celebrating on Feb 14th we celebrate on Feb 3rd but only just an exchange of cards and maybe a bottle of wine with tea. As I'm a card seller I can totally understand that it is a commercialized date that not everyone wishes to adopt.
Love your heart,
Joy x x

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I feel the same about Valentines cards and gift. But this year, well this afternoon, spanish time ;) we will be at our new, for us, home, so, for dinner pizza and some Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

Jessica said...

Lol! Great comic! I usually feel this way too especially since I've been with my husband for 7 years... it's just not important to us. Just to make some memories, though, we started a little tradition: each year, one person has to plan a surprise (big or small) for the other. It's been fun so far - he made me a candlelit lunch. :) Love your bee!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Cute heart!

I tend to think the 'don't do Valentine's Day' folks are the same as the 'scared of clowns'!!!

A card and chocs are always good in my book, so any excuse is fine by me ;)

Leanne said...

Happy Valentine's Day. As I just got a bag full of hammers (and other tools) for my birthday, I'm good with the bag of hammers. The little heart is cute.

Cille said...

Ha ha... We dont 'do' Valentins in Denmark though the florist and such are trying to make us.

Nat at Made in Home said...

So cute! We did cards, well I lost mine and Mr MiH wrote on a piece of wrapping paper with two post it heart shaped notes... This is as far as I would go for v day..

Liz said...

Hah! I remembered to stop at the dairy and get hubby a block of Whittakers on the way home. Well done me :-)

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

Hahaha! Having just spent a lovely California Valentines walking around Laguna Beach and grabbing burritos with Anne, I loved topping off the evening with this humorous post about the holiday :o)

Sarah @ Berry Barn Designs said...

Hahaha maybe next year you can have a stuffed hammer jar giveaway! We don't do much for the holiday either, and the Easter candy reference made me laugh because all our stores have Easter out right alongside VDay and I despise that in this day and age we can't get one holiday over with before the next one starts!

Leonie said...

Hahaha funny cartoon :) it passes by us and we dont even register it's come and gone! Your little heart is adorable!

Anne said...

HAhahaah I love xkcd. Also, yes, this comic sums it up so well. Eli and I just don't do anything (exhibit A: I left him at home to go to a workshop with Sarah). I adore your little stuffed heart, it's so cute!