Monday, 10 February 2014

A Christmas Quilt in February

I'm going to claim that I am really really organised for Christmas 2014.  Let's ignore the fact that I was originally aiming to get this quilt done for Christmas 2013.

Cherry Christmas Scrappy Tripalong 

Anyway, the top is done now, and I'm loving the fabric (mostly Aneela Hoey's Cherry Christmas line) as much as I was when I hunted it down in the middle of last year.

Cherry Christmas Scrappy Tripalong 

I know how I want to quilt this top, it's just a matter of when.  There's kind of no rush now, but I don't want to forget about it and end up being really organised for Christmas 2015…

Cherry Christmas Scrappy Tripalong

So, how is your Christmas sewing going?  Any tips for me to make sure I don't forget about quilting this quilt?


Leanne said...

Why not just quilt it now? It is lovely.

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

It is gorgeous¡¡¡ I'll hung it in my sewing room, so it will be the first thing I'll see every day till I'll quilt it ;)

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Just lovely. I am making something for Christmas each month and linking up to the SewCalGal handmade Christmas Challenge. So far....a couple journals are done and a couple Kwilts in the works.

Unknown said...

It's great. Why not just quilt it now. I am busy trying to finish a whole pile of quilts that have been sitting round for years.

Suzanne said...

Looks fabulous! I'm just quilting mine finally now. It's been sitting around for 8 months or so as a top so I'm not a good example for not forgetting about it. Maybe if you take an hour or two to baste it now you'll be more likely to pick it up when you have time?

Anonymous said...

Looks great! At a retreat this weekend my quilting partner was using this same fabric. Nothing wrong with getting a head start (or catching up) in February! :)

Carla said...

It's very very pretty. I love all her fabric lines. I just gave my scrappy trip to my long armer on Friday. So looking forward to getting it back. Good for you for tackling such a big quilt yourself.

Fran said...

Beautiful quilt! I have some Christmas fabrics cut into squares, which never made it to the sewing machine in crazy December.... Must get in with that!

Suze said...

From a distance the fabrics don't look too Christmasy, I think you could use it for other holidays, too! I thought it would fit into Valentine's day as well. I have a mental to-do list and I really need to make a paper to-do list so that I can see each day what I have or have not accomplished. I've found that even if I break my tasks down into smaller tasks and I can see accomplishments that helps me to see I have accomplished something and to keep my goals in front of me. I've heard that you need to set a deadline and if that deadline comes and your project is not complete, then you need to assess if if you have a valid reason for non-completion or if you really don't want to do it at all. Good reason for some real soul searching.

Gina said...

Great quilt and well done on being so organised xx

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh get on with it!
You have winter to get through before Christmas, and I am still sitting under my Cherry Christmas quilt - who says you can't like presents and robins and Santa all year!

Nat at Made in Home said...

Christmas sewing, omg! How organised/disorganised of you!

Sarah @ Berry Barn Designs said...

How nice to be ahead of the game! ; ) I'm hosting a Christmas-in-July SAL/QAL to make sure I get a jump on my projects for the holidays with plenty of advance - if you haven't finished it by then, I'll pester you to join me!

Unknown said...

It is absolutely gorgeous!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Quilt it now, while it's not wrinkled from being stashed away for 6 months! Then, to make yourself feel better, put off sewing the binding until December 1.

dutchcomfort said...

Gorgeous quilt-top! Maybe you should just finish it?

Erica said...

I love it! Now this makes me really wish I had stocked up on that fabric :)

Cille said...

Better late than never... And if you don't make it to 2015, there's always 2016 ;)