
Saturday 8 June 2013

Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom #22

"When it's cold, comfort trumps style every time." Ralph

Yes, I made my (boy) cat a dress out of a scrap of batting.  Yes, he does wear it (for a while anyway). Yes, I know that this is not normal behaviour (from both me and the cat)!

If you would like to see your pet featured on Saturday Cat Words of Wisdom (other pets are also welcome!), flick me an email at adrianneonthewindyside at gmail dot com.  Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Oh my goodness. I thought for a second he was shaved! Stay warm, Ralph!

  2. LOL I too thought poor puddy tat had been shaved. Bet he would like to snuggle up under the batting more than wear it.
    Love Leanne


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