
Tuesday 2 April 2013

Finish Along First Quarter Wrap Up

I was pretty ambitious with my first quarter goals for the 2013 Finish Along - I set myself nine goals, eight quilts and a cushion.  I've been posting my finishes as I go, but I thought it would be a good idea to do a wrap up, and I also have one final finish to show you.

Here's what I finished:

1. A Brighter Shade of Pale (Lucky Square) Quilt

2. Emeralds and Ice Quilt

3. La PiƱata (Scrappy Trip Along Quilt)

4. Splashy Stars Quilt

5. Equilateral Triangle Quilt

6. Noteworthy Quilt - this is the one I haven't shown yet, but it is finished!  This is just a sneak peek, but the pattern will be appearing in the next issue of Fat Quarterly, and I'll put up more pictures when it's out.

I feel pretty satisfied with 6 out of 9 finishes - I think the Finish Along is definitely helping me stay on track.  Now I just need to think about my goals for the next quarter!  Are you participating in the Finish-A-Long?

she can quilt

Also, a very quick note to let you know that my oven mitt tutorial is up on Leanne's blog she can quilt now!


  1. Wow I cannot believe how productive you've been! That's amazing and the Noteworthy quilt is very tantalising, nice looking quilting...

  2. Wow, that is a lot of beautiful quilts, you truly rocked the FAL!

  3. They are all wonderful! Great job of finishing 2/3's of your goal! Can't wait to see the last one!

  4. I love that first quilt you show! beautiful colors they go together so well.

  5. Beautiful beautiful quilts--every one

  6. 6/9 is great, especially because they're all gorgeous :) Headed over to check out your tutorial now!

  7. Just gorgeous
    All so bright n beautiful

  8. Fabulous. Especially love the first one you showed.

  9. So many gorgeous quilts! Off to check out your oven mitt tutorial now too.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The oven mitt tutorial was great - I am now planning one for my next project.

  12. Wowzers, you did so amazingly well and your quilts are absolutely beautiful. I'm so excited about my Eq.triangle quilt and yours was a big part in inspiring me.


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